Tuesday 24 February 2009

Chanel No. 5 - MEGAN x


Chanel have used the theme of a love story to promote their perfume, this appeals to their target audience – women aged 25 – 50. The use of romance makes the women want to buy the perfume. The colour theme is golds and silvers which reflects the colour of the perfume and bottles. They’re also quite gentle and it all blends in well together. Nicole Kidman is used as she is a well known actress and people recognize her.

Adidas Celebrate Originality - MEGAN x

ADIDAS – Originals House Party

Adidas use the scene of a house party to appeal to the audience, it gives an idea of fun and style at the same time. The use of celebrities in the ad is effective because it makes the audience want to buy the product as they see their favourite celebrities wearing Adidas. The celebrities are of different ages too e.g. Russell Simmons and Katy Perry.
They use a well known, upbeat song in the ad which also gives the idea of fun and this persuades us as consumers to want to buy the products. The lighting is quite dark but with bright flashes and what looks like spot lights. This makes the advert seem glamorous and the clothes are made to stand out.

Heineken Ad 09 - MEGAN x


Heineken have used the contrast between men and women to make the advert effective. The men scream when they see the Heineken like the women did when they saw the clothes. This is both comical and appeals to people and also gives the idea that men love Heineken as much as women loves clothes.

The T Mobile Dance - MEGAN x

T MOBILE - The T Mobile Dance

T Mobile have used the setting for their advert in a train station, this is original and the fact that the advert doesn’t start with an explanation but with just the time and place it happened makes the audience curious and want to watch on. The ad is set in Liverpool St. Station which is a well known station and millions of people are familiar with it. The lighting is bright and gives a happy atmosphere
They target their audience by using different music which attracts different people. The advert also gives the idea that taking part will be fun and ties in with T Mobile’s slogan “Life’s for sharing”

Pablo the Drugs Mule dog - MEGAN x

FRANK – Pablo the drugs mule dog

FRANK use comedy with facts to get their message across to their target audience. They shock the audience by showing actors acting out real life scenarios. The lighting used in the advert is all quite dark and gives a dangerous feel. This makes the audience associate drugs with this mood and gives them a negative idea towards them. The places the advert is set in aren’t very attractive, for example the dark basement at the beginning and the dirty toilets. This also influences the audiences opinion of cocaine. Overall the mise-en-scene is dark and negative towards the subject.
The target audience is aimed at teenagers and young adults. The use of a voiceover by a famous comedian helps the audience relate to the advert and the use of a character (Pablo) is effective as the audience will remember this advert. Pablo the dog is used to persuade the audience to not use drugs, being the main character people will feel that he is right and that they should listen to him – FRANK also do this in a comical way by using a talking dog rather than a human. Also the actors in the advert are all young and this also helps the audience to relate.
New Cadbury’s advert advertising chocolate.

This advert is very funny and draws in an audience as it so unusual. The scenario of the advert is a photo shoot. When the adult in charge has left the room the two children start making weird eyebrow movements which woks well with the non-diagetic sound. The music in the advert is very funky and will attract attention, because the advert is so different the audience will want to watch the full length of the commercial.
The camera shots are mostly close ups and two shots at the times the camera is lower or higher than the actors but works well with the idea of the commercial.
The advert isn’t connected to the product but you are always reminded of it because of the colour purple through out the whole advert. When ever people hear the song in the advert or see someone doing something they may think of the advert leading them to buy a Cadbury’s chocolate bar.

Advertising cow and gate.

This advert is funny and draws in a wide audience. At first glimpse the audience sees a cute baby laughing and may be drawn in by the sound as the laugh is fairly odd. As the advert goes on and more babies laugh, each with their own amusing laugh the audience may start to laugh as the laughing of the babies are so different. The idea of the advert is good as the babies laughing at the at the words on screen are funny as the words describe what the commercial is advertising.
The advert uses close ups of the babies to bring in an audience of parents. The non diagetic sound of the ‘pings’ are fairly loud so that they can be heard over the laughter of the babies making it easier to hear.

Life in another language

The animation in this advert is a contrast to the non animated elements in the advert. The colours theme is monochrome. The whole advert is done in another language which at first hearing is slightly confusing. The main characters in the advert are wearing stripy tops that may lead the audience to believe that the characters are French. As the characters are the ones thought to have made the non-diagetic sound the audience assumes that it is French. Foreign words sometimes appear on the screen that connects with the song. At the end of the advert the website name is on a wall in animation making it look like graffiti. The advert uses different shots so that different elements of the advert can beseen.

Car transformer advert citreon c4

The Citroen c4 advert is a energetic advert that appeals to it’s audience for different reasons. Young boys may find this car special as it is similar to the popular TV show transformers. Other audiences may enjoy this advert as it fun and energetic and lively. The advert appeals to mid 20 year olds as they would remember transformers and may be interested in transformers. The advert makes the car look as if it had a personality making the buyer more interested in the product. The colours are light and reflect off the car making the car seem more special.

T-mobile advert

The T-mobile advert is fun and new it appeals to a wide audience as it uses songs and that are found in many peoples music or dvd collection. The audience is appealing as it starts off as a random act that everyone joins in to later giving it a usp. The advert is relates to the unknowing onlookers, this later relates to the product slogan. The colours are light and area and the setting is familiar.

Advert Analysis

1) What Techniques of persuasion and influence do they use?
2) How do they target their audience?

Career Building Heart Advert -

CareerBuilder.com Heart

Q1) They use a realistic heart to grab the audiences attention and the music adds effect to the seriousness of the situation i.e. if you don’t like your job then quit.. The use of persuasion is in the actresses face, you see her look around and the boredom in her face, as soon as her heart quits for her she looks shocked with herself but then again relieved.

Q2) They target their audience by showing a bored and average woman doing a job she hates and they let the audience know that there not the only one’s in this situation and they should therefore join ‘Career builders’ and get a good career.

Realease The Man Leather (lynx) Advert -

Unleash the Man Leather with Lynx Instinct

Q1) In this advert they use cartoons to project their product, they use a bewildered caveman whom gets sprayed magically by the lynx and he turns into the cool caveman, that every women wants a piece of. They persuade the male audience by telling them if they use there deodorant then every women will be want them no matter what they look like.

Q2) I think they target audience by making the caveman cool, which lets the male audience know there be cool and good looking if they use this deodorant, they also show the caveman being transformed, again showing that if you use this deodorant you could be transformed.

Skoda Fabia Advert -

Q1) This advert amazes the audience especially how the car is made out of cake and you see it being made, it also shows the car is delicious/ specially made per person, which makes the audience feel special. But the way the car is made makes the audience want a bit which again makes them want to buy it and see if it as nice as they pictured.

Q2) They target their audience by introducing the car as a piece of cake, its making the car look homey and cozy, this advert also gives off a British feel. So I think the skoda is for an older generation, because the cakes used in the car are old fashioned i.e. fruitcake.

Ann Summers Give Him Wood Advert -

Ann Summers Give Him Wood

Q1) This advert persuades their target audience by showing them on valentines they should by their valentines underwear range to excite there boyfriend. They show only pretty, skinny and sexy models in this advert which says to the audience if you wear this underwear your be sexy and attractive.

Q2) They target their audience by shots of girls in their underwear, and they project the models as little elf’s that are going round giving men wooden gifts, which is also funny because wood means to excite men. They also show that your be sexy if you wear the underwear range, I also think this advert is aimed at young attractive women.

Ben & Jerrys Climate Change College Advert -

Ben & Jerry's Climate Change College

Q1) This advert persuade their audience by showing the different ways the ice cream is made, and how its environmentally friendly. It shows different steps of how ice cream is made and who it benefits. They show loads of pictures put together with a voice over which makes it quite funny.

Q2) They target their audience by showing them the different steps in making the ice cream, they also show its fair trade and how it benefits the various animals used to make ice cream, I think this adverts target audience is for everyone.

Monday 23 February 2009

Advert Analysis

Cadburys Eyebrow Advert

This advert is For Cadburys to advertise their dairy milk chocolate. In this advert there are two children who are supposed to being getting a professional photo taken and they randomly start moving their eyebrows about to music coming from the boys watch. Cadburys could be trying to say that Cadburys is ‘like no other’ its something different just like the children and what they are doing in the situation they are in. The girl is wearing a Purple dress which is Cadburys ‘color’ that is on their packaging so we know its Cadburys. I don’t think they had a specific audience though because this advert can be enjoyable for both adults as well as younger people. There is a shot of them together one each of them on their own and about four of them looking in different directions doing their eyebrow dance. But they persuade people to buy their chocolate by making the audience laugh & this is a very memorable advert which follows the other two random adverts by Cadburys; the gorilla ad and the truck one.

Orange Good Things should never end

This advert is for the phone company orange, advertising their unlimited texts price plan. In this advert there is a continuous strip of rainbow colors going through the town, first it is a kite type thing then when that runs out a woman continues it and so on, it never ends. They use bright colors which isn’t surprising when orange’s slogan is ‘the future’s bright, the futures orange.’ Even at the end of the advert the continuous rainbow colors hasn’t stop… there are kites of rainbow colors going into the sky which lead to the point... Where will they end up? There target is most probably middle aged adult or students as those are the age people that are in the advert although it isn’t just those age people using their services.

Lynx Instinct

This advert is from lynx, advertising their new fragrance called lynx instinct. In this advert there is a caveman who isn’t very attractive to say the least, then he sprays on the product all of a sudden becomes this big macho man and all the cave girls like him. Lynx have always done original adverts, but this is quite different as it is an animation, which you wouldn’t really expect especially as the target audience for lynx is teenage boys and young men on the go. But they still get across the message that, when you put on lynx you will be seen tougher and girls will like you a lot more. Although I don’t think this advert would have worked well if there was different music the song ‘Look Good in leather’ worked really well especially as that was what their slogan for this fragrance was.

Lynx Dark Temptaion

This is another Lynx advert, but this time it is advertising Lynx Chocolate. It isn’t hard to understand this advert really, It starts off with a young man in his bathroom spraying himself with Lynx Chocolate then all of a sudden he turns into this chocolate man and as he walks down the street, gets on the bus goes to parties etc. all the ladies are after him; biting his bum (as seen in the first picture), eating parts of him and breaking off his arm. This advert is very intriguing, its certainly unusual and once you’ve seen it you would remember it , they persuade us with this unusualness and it isn’t a advert that you have to think about to understand it, because as soon as you remember the chocolate man you would immediately think ‘ Oh Yeah… Lynx Chocolate’ and consider buying it. The type of audience for this is just the same as before young men and teenage boys, seeing this advert they would think that what happens to the chocolate man might happen to them. But also mums or Partners of the audience might see it and buy it for them.

Haunting Dead Boy Ad - DFT Think! Speeding campaign

This advert is a ‘Think!’ Campaign advert, it is advertising the risks of driving above the speed limit of 30 mph. In this advert a man is being ‘haunted’ by a school boy that he had ran over and the boy had died, the message that they are trying to put across is that if you kill someone by speeding you will be haunted by it for life. They persuade the audience to not speed by showing a really graphic image of a little dead boy, they show it everywhere; from the mans bathroom , workplace, at the park and even lying on the floor as he is going to sleep which he will have to face again the next morning. Although this image is really horrific it is hard hitting and so maybe drivers will think twice before speeding. The target audience is obviously 17 up as that is the legal age you can start driving, maybe especially adults who are in a rush to get to work or to pick up their kids from school?

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Our Final ideas

The two ideas that we will be using is Sex and the City where the girls refer to sex and The Ring Spoof where the girl needs help to open the coke bottle.

Sex and the City
Name of product: Classic Coke/ Coke Classic
Target audience: Sex and the city fans women of all ages
Synopsis: the audience are to believe that one of the sex and the city girls are talking about sex but she is actually talking about her new favourite drink coke Classic.
Slogan: "Everybody's gagging for it"
Concept (i.e. what classic film/genre are you referencing?): the film genre is chick flick and the film we are referring to has a well known series making the audience still understand the advert.
Props/costumes: the props used in this will be the coke classic, and props to make the area look like a posh restaurant or cafe. The costumes will be very fashionable and expensive looking. To create the effect of manhattan new york.
Human resources: 4 female actors, extras and crew
Technical resources: Brigt lightning (outside studio)

The Ring
Name of product: Classic Coke/ Coke Classic
Target audience: horror fans
Synopsis: a girl comes out of a tv and finds a bottle of coke that she can't open. she asks for help and forces her victims to drink it.
Concept (i.e. what classic film/genre are you referencing?):The film isn't a classic but it is well known the genre is horror which hopefully become obvious in the finshed piece.
Props/costumes: The props would have to resemble a living room so props such as a couch and rug would be useful. A tv is needed.
Human resources: Between 2-5 actors, crew
Technical resources: studio filming...

One Missed Call

The phone rings and a girl picks up thinking its her friend. She picks up the phone and starts talking when she goes silent she has a crackling sound then a throaty voice whispers the word classic.

Scar face

A man sitting behind his desk with a coke bottle on the desk, this shows a play on cocaine and coke. He drinks the coke which quenches his thirst and looks into the camera. The slogan appears under the classic saying "The world is not enough"

Monday 16 February 2009

Megan, Toni-Leigh, Kenza and Courtnie

The Ring Spoof

A group of people are watching cartoons etc. , lights start flashing, it goes dark and the girl from the ring appears sitting outside the t.v. she crawls towards the group, ruffles her night dress searching for the drink. She struggles to open it and therefore asks the camera man/director to open it.The music suddenly stops. You see a hand take it off her and open it, you hear the sound of a fizzy drink opening, passes the drink back. Music starts again, she gets back into role and comes close to the people and passes it saying ' classic' in a scary sounding voice.

Sex and the city movie

For our idea we hear Carrie typing and telling the viewers where the girls are and what there doing. The four girls are talking promiscuously about coke classic, but to the audience and to some of the girls it sound like they are talking about sex. One of the girls is confused and asks a question such as 'Don't you get tired?', she replies like 'what are you talking about I've got one in my bag'. They all shriek in horror as they expect her to pull out a vibrator, instead she pulls out a bottle of coke classic. The girl that looked confused realizes her mistake and everyone stares at the coke classic in awe.