Tuesday 5 May 2009


Looking at both the adverts , I think that both adverts conform to the brief quite well . But especially, the sex and the city one , although the music we used on it isn't really appropriate as it sounds like a rude film. But the length of the sex and the city one is a standard length , and it is almost like the film , with having the four characters, and being in the type of location that they would be in. It would have been better if the music was different and if we had better camera shots , as when filming we didn't stick to the story board. The ring spoof, started off conforming to the film genre brief quite well , but after finishing it  is more like a 'classic' horror film , rather than the ring. Although it isn't much like the ring as i had hoped , it is still like a movie ... a 'classic' horror film , just maybe not a specific one. 

Sex & The City Movie - The sex and the city didn't really go as well as i had hoped seeing as we didn't follow the storyboard when we was filming, so we didn't get the right camera shots and angles that we wanted. We tried to set the room up as a cafe quite well , so that it might look like a sophisticated cafe that the girls in sex and the city might sit in .We had different outfits for each specific character to wear so , for example Carrie looked very classy etc. We attempted to get classy chic music to be playing underneath the whole advert , we thought it sounded o.k at first but after putting it together with the advert we realized that it maybe wasn't right for our advert and the concept of it. We did have to change some of the sound on certain parts of the advert though , like when we had the voiceover of the tag line and product name over a product shot.

The Ring Spoof Movie - The ring spoof advert did go really well compared to the sex and the city one. The music which we put over this advert worked really well in making it seem scary, we deleted all the audio from the actual video and just had the music playing all through out the advert . the only speech in the advert is when ' the ring' ; grace, says 'coke classic' (the name of the product) . At the end i particularly like when it has the name of the product and tag line on a fuzzy screen. We got quite good camera shots, for example t really looks like grace is coming out of the t.v , when everyone knows it is physically impossible  we make it look like she is coming out of the t.v . The length of this advert, is only 20 seconds though so it is quite short. But overall i much prefer the ring advert as i think it came out a lot better.

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