Saturday 30 May 2009


I think the shooting part of our Sex & The City advert went well. We managed to get all our material needed but there was a lot of extra filming we didn't need. I feel we stuck to our storyboard but also added bits and pieces into it which adds to the advert. My role was filming, I don't feel I did enough filming as I would have liked to in this advert but I think the parts I did film came out well and were used in the final outcome. Next time I think more planning should go into the advert before hand.
The editing of my Sex & The City advert didn't go well. I feel I should have done more at the beginning of the project because as we got closer to the deadline I felt I was having to rush the final outcome. I was placed into my own group with Josie which didn't work well as we both get distracted easily, but I think being put into a smaller group was also a good thing as I learned how to use most things in Final Cut Pro and this is very useful. The editing process also took quite long as we had the extra filming to get rid of but after I got used to the different parts of FCP it became much easier. I think the advert could be improved by adding a music bed, but I am pleased with the fact we managed to achieve the sort of advert we wanted although if I put more effort into it it could have been alot better and this is something I regret.

The shooting of The Ring advert went much better than the S&TC. We didn't have any unneeded footage and managed to get the whole process over and done with quickly. I think this was partly because it was better planned than the S&TC advert and we knew the shots we needed. I didn't take part in the shooting of this advert but I helped with the people that were filming giving them advice. I think we could have filmed a bigger variety of camera shots so we could choose between them but overall the shooting of this advert was good.

I learned quite alot in Final Cut Pro as we only needed to share the editing between 2 people. The first thing I learned was to mark in and out and I got the hang of it quite easily. More challenging parts of were to add things like text and transitions, and the thing that took me longest to get right was logging and capturing!

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