Saturday 30 May 2009


In this video project our brief was to film and edit two adverts which had to conform to a type of film genre or a classic film. One had to be filmed in the TV studio and the other outside of it. Our adverts were from two films - Sex & The City and The Ring.
The first advert filmed was S&TC, we filmed it outside the TV studio in the staff room. I think this conformed to the brief but we strayed away from the story board and I think this made our advert slightly messier than it should have been. The second advert filmed was The Ring. This was filmed in the TV studio and as it was our second time filming we were more prepared, I think this also conformed to the brief although we could have used more camera angles.

I don't think we payed much attention to mise-en-scene, although we payed attention to lighting and mood I think we should have used more to make our adverts more effective and professional.
I also feel we could have used a bigger variety of camera shots as in the S&TC advert most of the shots were close ups, and The Ring was quite the same. I think if we had another go at filming and put different shots and angles in then the adverts would be much better.

Overall our adverts came out well and conformed to the briefs but I think there is room for improvement.

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