Tuesday 5 May 2009

Evaluation? Editing, Final Cut Pro.

1. I think the shooting of The sex and the city advert didn't go very well at all . In that advert shooting my role , was 'acting' as a character in the advert, which isn't a very major part, but i tried to make sure that it might at least come out close to what our whole idea was. This adverts shooting didn't go so well , as we didn't stick to the story board as planned. We had quite a lot irrelevant video ; we realised this when we had put this into final cut pro. So we was kind of disappointed as it meant we didn't really have enough quality footage to work with for our end product.But the good parts of the video is really good though, so we did manage to take those bits out and attempted to make it look better. Next time i think we should definitely stick to the storyboard.

The shooting of The ring spoof advert went quite allot better , because we went in knowing exactly what we wanted. Although , we didn't really re-do things so some parts could have been done to make the advert flow a bit better as it is a bit snappy. In this advert i filmed along side Courtnie, it was kind of easier just having the 2 of us filming because we both had the same kind of idea in our heads of how we wanted it to be so there wasn't any conflict as to how to film etc.Next time i think we should definitely try other angles and shots just so that we could compare on final cut .. in case we decided to change our mind at the last minute.

2. The sex and city editing was quite chalenging , because we had a lot of 'outtakes' to cut out from the video, so marking in and out was quite hard, because sometimes there was random laughter etc. But other then that we didnt really have much problems , as i was new to final cut pro i thought i might struggle to pick up what to do , because it looks quite complex, but i found it alot easier then i thought. We tried to add in a few transitions in between shots , it worked well for some parts, but other parts it didnt look so well ... Alot of scenes ended up being cut from our advert, and we had to film new parts to replace them . We made a 'product shot' type image with the product name and tag line on photoshop then we imported it into final cut pro making sure that it was in between the guidelines because if it werent then if our advert were to be shown on a smaller tv it would get cut off. It can definatly be inproved by changing the music we used as a music bed.

The Ring 'Spoof' editing seemed to be alot easier because we had less shots that we didnt want, so we didnt really have much to cut. Instead of having a picture that we had made on photoshop imported on as a image to show the product name and tag line , we had filmed a fuzzy screen and added writing over the top so it looked qute scary. We deleted all the audio from the video for this advert, the only audio is when grace(the ring) says ' classic' . We also made the whole advert black and white, and added a filter onto it to make it look like a old film. If it didnt have the background music it would almost look like a old charlie chaplin movie, But we added some creepy music to play underneath so it seems scarier. This advert could be improved if we had shot more differen angles, and so that we could have kept the original audio so it flowed better.

In Final Cut Pro one of the first things i learnt to do was how to 'Log and Capture' ; this is when you record in which parts of footage you want through the VT. Then i learnt how to 'Mark In' & 'Mark Out' ; when you pick what part you want from the footage that youve put on the programme. I sometime found this kinda hard because sometimes i didnt get it quite accurate enough , so i had to do it over again til i got it just as i wanted it. I learnt how to add in transitions , and how to lengthen or make them shorter. I also learnt how to add filters, which make the video another color etc, and to give the video a certain look. I learnt how to add text to the film , like a title or captions etc. I also know how just deleted the audio seperatly from the video. I learnt quite a lot about the programme.

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